When we become pregnant our focus is often on preparing and planning for birth. Often what is forgotten is the postnatal period, the fourth trimester.

The postnatal period is such a precious and delicate time, we are recovering from our birth, we are adjusting to becoming a parent and experiencing what it feels like. Our babies are discovering the outside world away from being cocooned, rocked and fed and we are adjusting to them and learning who they are and beginning our journey as a parent.

The fourth trimester can be the most magical and beautiful journey but it can also sometimes feel hard, lonely and scary as we go through and adjust to so many changes; whether you are a new parent or this your second or third child.

Preparing for the fourth trimester is just as important as birth and although you may not know how you will feel both physically or emotional, having a postnatal doula ready to support you every step of the way can help ease that transition so that you can concentrate on healing emotionally, mentally and physically after birth whilst you bond as a family.

It may be that you would like support in those first few days with help around the house, preparing meals, debriefing your birth and being on hand to listen to any concerns or worries you may have; leaning on me so that you can forget about the little things that become the big things (cleaning, tidying, food prep) and concentrate on the most important thing of healing and bonding with your baby.

It may be that your husband, wife or partner has gone back to work and you would like some support in those weeks as you find your feet and ease into mother/parenthood.

Everyone’s fourth trimester will look different which is why during my visits the support I offer to you is bespoke to you and your needs; each visit may mean a different way of nurturing and supporting you.

You will never forget this moment time and I want to support you to make memories that you will hold with you for the rest of your life.

The Services I will provide as your Postnatal Doula

My postnatal support will depend on your needs as a family and how I can best support you. Some of my services may include:

  • Preparing light meals/lunches

  • Light house work

  • Looking after your baby whilst you nap, have a bath or play with your other children

  • Playing with your older children whilst you bond with your baby

  • Running errands/picking up light shopping

  • Accompanying you for your first walk out, first car journey by yourself or even to classes/appoinments’s.

  • Helping you with chores that might make your day run more smoothly.

  • Helping you to navigate your newborn’s behavior.

  • Assisting with bath time, nappy changing and preparing anything your baby may need.

Postnatal Support Packages

All my postnatal packages include a 30 minute free consultation, one in person antenatal session ( 60 minutes) to plan how I can support you and text, phone and call support for the first 6 weeks post birth.

There is also an option to create your own postnatal support package; you let me know your budget and how much support you think you would like and we can create a support package just for you.

Antenatal Session

After an initial 30 minute free consultation we will meet antenatally (60 minute) to discuss how you would like me to support you during my visits with you (if booking prior to birth).

My postnatal support can also be booked after birth and any time during the first 12 weeks after birth.

First Visit

The first postnatal visit will usually take place within a week of your birth to debrief your birth (or sooner if you would like).

I will bring a hot meal and provide breastfeeding support and offer any support you may need.

Subsequent postnatal visits can take place weekly, twice week, you decide how often you would like me to visit.

Postnatal visits are minimum of 3 hours long so I can provide with maximum support during our visits.


I will be on hand to ask questions, provide resources, sign posting and support you by email and phone/text/WhatsApp support in first 6 weeks following birth alongside my postnatal visits with you.

I will be there when you need me and you can ASK me anything.

I can also sign post you to local practioners if you need further support such as Osteopaths, Lactation Consultants, feeding support etc.

Your Postnatal Support Investment:

Postnatal Doula Support in Nottingham

Available package options as follows:

9 hour package £360

12 hour package £500

21 hour package £750

Additional hours can be purchased (no minimum hours requred)

Minimum of 4 hours to be booked if not booking one of the above packages.

For booking of 42 hours (14 x 3 hour sessions) or more a discount of 10% will be applied.

Option to create your own postnatal package based on the number of hours/visits you would like support for.

Postnatal Enquiry

For postnatal support enquiry, questions & availability, please use the contact form below or you can book a free 30 minute consultation on the link above.

I am also available to meet up locally for a coffee if you prefer an in person chat with me!

Hello, I am Kerry!

I am a Nottingham based Doula and offer birth and posnatal support in Nottingham as well as virtual birth support wherever you are based.

I am also a hypnobirthing teacher and birth trauma practitioner and can support you every step of the way.

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