Find out more about Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is birth education at its finest! It is a full comprehensive antenatal course that will help to prepare you and your partner for the birth of your baby. It is a complete tool kit to support you and your partner through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

It is very common and normal to feel scared, nervous or even frightened about birth and this may come from no first hand knowledge of birth- its the unknown, TV, films or stories that have been shared with us!

Hypnobirthing can help to eliminate the "fear of birth” and support your body to do what it already knows how to do- give birth!

You can find out more about hypnobirthing here.

Can I attend without a partner?

Absolutely! Although the course is designed to support the you and your birth partner and birth parnters are encouraged to attend (it helps them to get informed and supports them to support you), you are welcome to attend on your own whether for both in person hypnobirthing courses in Nottingham or online courses. There are lots of resources your birth partner can read in their own time and you also have access to a digital pack that your partner can watch and catch up on anything they have missed. I often had clients attend on their own for some sessions if their partner was able to make it. You will be made to feel welcome whether you attend with your partner not.

When is best the best time to do a hypnobirthing course?

Whenever you want to! You can start the course as early as 16 weeks or as late as 34 weeks. The earlier you do a hypnobirthing course the longer you have to make use of everything, read and start using all the tools and techniques you learn during pregnancy. Most clients start the course from around 20 weeks onward. However, it is never to late to do course and you will still benefit from it if you chose to do it later on in your pregnancy; do the course when it feels right for you- there is no right or wrong time! I do offer shorter courses available online and in person for those that are short on time.

I am not able to make all the sessions, are there any alternative options?

Yes! If you are not able to make all the session or are sick during one of the sessions there are few options available to make sure you don’t miss out on a session. Your partner is very welcome to attend on their own (I have often had partners attend on their own if the birther couldn’t attend). If you are attending my in person hypnobirthing courses in nottingham, you may be able to attend another session on another course if there is space at no additional charge.

Other options include a short 1 hour catch up online session or a catch email with access to an online digital pack to go through some of the topics we cover. I will never let you finish a course without everything you need!

I am not based in Nottingham but I would like to do a Barefaced Birth Hypnobirthing Course, do you offer online courses?

Yes, at present time I offer online hypnobirthing workshops, courses and sessions

You can find out more about online courses I offer here.

Will I still benefit from doing a hypnobirthing course if I have given birth before?

Absolutely. I have taught clients who have given before before and wanted to do a hypnobirthing course to help them feel confident, prepared and excited for their birth. They also learnt so much more then they they already knew even though they had given birth before.